js ponsel How To Repair The Damage To The Phone ? welcome to this website please read the kind of information that we provide to you of course If you have experienced damage to your phone solutions below may help you surely Before we can fix the Mobile and the system works. We must first know and understand the components contained in Mobile. Components of the unit they will be there, there is also already in the form of a module that consists of a collection of components such as IC PA, VCO, filter etc. The components in question are as follows:
1. PCB (Printed Circuit Board) PCB or the Board is the place where the components they will be placed / installed. PCB Mobile slightly different than an ordinary elktronik PCB equipment. In ordinary electronic equipment, components usually mounted on the top and then put on a PCB hole provided. Then soldered feet on the bottom of PCB components. Not so with the PCB on Mobile. Mobile PCB on the upper side with the bottom side of each is different. Also at the center of the PCB there are many pathways (layer) that connects between the parts. Line-Line TSB. Can reach 5 layers. Therefore, very often this PCB damage. More often than. At the component failure sediri. Damage to the PCB can be solved by means dijumper / reconnected with wires dedicated email for PCB jumper. Email wire is coated with a layer of paint / coating, so it does not result in koslet if touched by other components on the PCB. Wire soldered to this email, layers will disappear on their own, so we do not have to scrape the lining.
2. RESISTOR (Prisoners) Symbol (R) unit Ohm (Ω) resisitor on Mobile different from ordinary resistor of Electronic Components. This resistor has no color bracelet that shows resistance values. This resistor is usually a large serves as a drag stream in order not to exceed the limits (safety fuse). However Resistor function in general is a barrier that can adjust the flow through him. Because each component membutukan currents of different magnitude (varied). Therefore Resistor required. Resistors were great also usually found on the main line Battery Voltage. Charger charging voltage on line Supply voltage for IC PA etc.
3. Capacitor (capacitors) Symbol (C) units of farads (μ, η, ρ) serves as the storage capacitor also current voltage stabilization. There are two kinds of capacitors, namely: i. Electronic Capacitor: Having different poles that cathode (-) and anode (+) installation may not reverse polarity / poles. ii .. unusual Ceramic Capacitor: No polarity. Installation may be reversed. The color is usually brown or gray. In a series of mobile phones are usually polar capacitor connected Cathode Ground on power lines. Its function as a stabilizing current. To be flowing on the path of stable TSB.
4. diodes (diode) Symbol (Q, D, V, N) diodes function / as a rectifier circuit currents at Mobile. At first Alternating Current (AC / Alternating Current) or DC voltage is not pure after passing through the diode into direct current (DC / Direct Currert). Diodes also have polarity / polar namely anode (+) and FCatoda (-). Pemasanganya should not be reversed. Usually that has a sign gads is the cathode. There is also a diode that can emit light which is called LED (Light Emitting Diode). It serves as a light Led LCD / Keypad / Signal lamp. People often refer to this as the LED lamp, because it can emit light. It's okay. But technically, understanding different LEDs and lamps. If the lights do not have polarity, while LEDs have polarity and pemasagannya should not be reversed. If the reverse will not emit light. Instead blocks the flow of incoming. LED is usually green, yellow or red, There are also LED illumination propertied. Higher or called super. For example, Super White LEDs, Super Blue LEDs. With a light beam that exceeds the ordinary LED. At this time the turn of regular LEDs with LED Super trendiest To Mobile appear lighter and more stylish.
5. TRANSISTOR symbol (Q, N, V) transistor function is similar to the diode characteristics. Combined the two diodes can be called transistors. Transistor function aplenty in electronic circuits. Transistor as a switch as the switch as frequency amplifier, as well as the frequency mixer. Usually transistors on a series of mobile phones have been used as a module in the form of IC. Transistor usually black and has three legs that base, emitter, collector.
6. COIL (coils / windings) Symbol (L) Coil or spool is divided into a variety of functions. Coil as a liaison among others, which serves to connect the main lines between blocks, point to facilitate the examination at any time required so that each block separately. Then Coil for loudspeaker, Buzzer etc. Serves to magnify the sound output. Then too there Coil for Antenna and also for Antenna Coil and Coil and also for the intermediate frequency transformer. Shapes vary across different coil. Yet similar functions. Coil has no polarity, so be mounted. Coil shape there are similar capacitor. Only the colors are somewhat blackish gray.
7. IF Transformer (Transformer Medium frequency) Symbol (T) Transformer is used for the intermediate frequency amplifier in this part of the RF. Through this transformer HF waves received can be captured and amplified by this IF transformer. Colors of the transformer is normally white with 5-6 foot square box-shaped.
8. Filter RX / TX (Receiver / Transmitter) Symbol (Z) Filter RX / TX is only the RF section. There are three types of filter HF? IF this. Ie HPF (High Pass Filter) LPF (Low Pass Filter), a BPF (Band Pass Filter). Commonly used in mobile phones is a filter circuit BPF. The function of the filter is to filter and select eligible pass filter frequencies are MHZ. dependent resistance of the filter page. Example: HF Filter BPF 935-960 MHZ. means Filter page. Is a filter which serves to filter the incoming High Frequency, so that after passing through the filter will be, the frequency may be passed is the frequency with Bandwich 935-960 Mhz. frequencies above or below it will not get through. There's all kinds of filter. Filter on a track called RX filter receiver. While on line pemanacar called TX Filter. Filters are also divided Being GSM 900 Mhz (Satelindo, Telkomsel, XL) or Filter PCN / DCS 1800 MHz (IM3). There are also filters 71 Mhz, etc.
9. Relay Switch Relay switch is usually found on the mobile phone, which has a flip. The form two sections of wire wrapped glass tube, there is also a form of transistors. This switch relay works when there is a magnetic field driving. If these relays Damage / Short / Connected continue, bias so the phone have symptoms such as total death, Blank LCD, Keypad Hang etc. Such relays typically exist in Mobile Ericsson, Motorola, Samsung and so on.
10. VCO (Voltage Control Oscillator) of VCO have already formed into a module / block. There is also still a circuit on the PCB. The function of the VCO on Mobile is an Oscillator / local frequency wave generator that will be sent to the IC IF Mixer. By IC Mixer, Frequency page will be mixed with High Frequency Antenna coming from the RX path. The second difference frequency wave frequency TSB. The results will be sent to the audio IC to be processed again into frequency sound that can be heard by us. The process is called demodulation (decrease frequency). While the TX path of the sound waves go into IC Audio Microphone (IC ADC = Analog To Digital Converter), processed into frequency data. Then go into IC Mixer / .IC IF. Wave VCO also go into IC Mixer. Merging the two frequencies it akhirnaya sent to IC PA in order to transmit to the Antenna. The process of the TX path is called Modulation (boosts frequencies).
11. Sleep Clock Crystal 32 Khz symbol (B) In addition to working to show the clock on display (Real Time Clock). Also serves as pembangakit frequency first amplified by IC Power. Symptoms that arise when Crystal was damaged is not able to move the clock display, mobile phone or the living dead love to hang himself, Signal unstable, Sleep Clock received IC CPU processor optimized so that the work becomes unstable / slow. Processor with unstable work so that the above symptoms appear.
12. Main Clock System Crystal 13 Mhz Symbol (G) Crystal is generating vibration frequency of 13 Mhz to be sent as a Main Clock System for the CPU in order to carry out their duties as a processor. Crystal also serves as the Reference Frequency 13 MHz for this part of RF.Jika there Crytal 26 Mhz frequency of 26 Mhz then it will go first into the IF Signal Processor IC to be divided into two (Divider System) thus forming a 13 Mhz frequency which will eventually be sent to CPU as well. If Crystal is broken / not working at all the mobile phones will not be able to live. Because the CPU IC will not work if it does not receive a signal frequency of 13 Mhz of Main Crystal TSB. Whereas if Crystal TSB. Whereas if Crystal's value deviated only 0,001 Mhz. (Example: 13.001 Mhz) then Mobile will not be able to signal. If you can sort the displayed signal will not be stable.
13. Antenna Switch Antenna Switch IC's on the phone useful as a separator line at the moment when the Transmit and Receive. Also the dividing line for frequencies 900/1800 MHz (GSM / PCN). In Mobile Single Band there are only two lines RX or TX. While on the phone Dual Band there are four grooves were used that GSM RX, RX PCN, GSM TX, TX PCN. The separation line was very important in order to distinguish bias frequencies TSB. So as to place the frequency they will not be mutual interference / clash, which will interfere with the stability of a signal on mobile phones.
14. IC PA (Power Amplifier) IC PA is working to increase the frequency of the power that comes from the IC IF Signal Proccesor that frequency can be either straight out past the Antenna to the Radio Base Station (RBS) nearby. So from the TSB and RBS to the operator and may eventually be sent to mobile receivers (our speaker). If the PA is damaged then the signal that appears hanyanlah false signal that can not be diperguanakan, as signal input pins stuck in the PA can not transmit out the antenna so the phone does not receive the signal obtained can not transmit out antenna. Mobile so do not get signal. PA visible radiation power of the light / dark or light Antenna radiation core lights affixed to the back casing near the area PA. and also the side effects caused by the PA are mobile to a total dead nor wasteful batteries (Low battere warning). Case in point: Dead total in Ericson T20, T28, T29, Samsung SGH A100, Mot T2688 PA Mexico. Boros died at Siemens Series 35, Nokia 3310, 5110, 3210 and so on. Why these symptoms can occur? this is because the PA short-circuit / short. Ie between the + and Ground No PA terhubun battery voltage directly. Mobile so can not be alive and suck battere.
15. IC CPU (Central Processing Unit) The CPU is the brain of the mobile phones. It was he who serves as a processor that governs all activities of the system working on mobile phones. CPU too, who ordered the IC-IC else to work (giving the data signal to another IC). Automatic CPU die, the IC / Other components can not work alias: filmed there who governed it work. This CPU can not work can be caused by many things, among others: - CPU itself is damaged. - Line on the CPU break. - CPU does not get a working voltage of IC Power. (Vcore) - CPU does not receive the system frequency 13 MHz, and 32 Khz of Crystal. - IC Memory data is error. CPU works based on existing data on the IC Memory. If no data can be retrieved, the CPU can not work. - Etc.
16. IC Memory IC Memory in Mobile consists of three parts: I. IC RAM (Random Access Memory): Contains vital data associated with these types of mobile phones. II. IC EEPROM (Electronic Erasable Programmable Memory IC): Contains the vital data concerning the mobile phone, which terufama No. TSB Mobile IMEI is stored here. IC EEPROM can be changed / programmed via software are available for each type HP. III. IC FLASH: Contains data Mobile software is stored here. For example type HP version, year of manufacture, the menus, the language, ring tones, logos, etc. Divided into MCU (Master Control Unit) and PPM (Post -Programmable Memory) - Generally the modified part. PPM. Data on this Flasti IC can easily be upgraded / changed through software that is provided to type-HP media is concerned with a data cable or infrared.
17. IC POWER (Power Supply Regulator). IC Power on Mobile serves to distribute the incoming battery voltage to be distributed to him / disaslurkan to each component that needs it. When IC power is broken then the Mobile obviously totally dead. But if there is a path that is lost, misalnya.jalur power to the RF section. Then chances Mobile will not get a signal caused by IC Power. if the power lines for the Buzzer drop out, then Mobile will not issue a ringing tone. so the usefulness of IC Power that is vital in a series of mobile phones. ,
18. IC AUDIO Audio IC inj function as a frequency converter data sent from the RF, mixed in IC Audio so be- frequency sound that comes out through the speakers. This process is called DAC (Digital to Analog Converter). While the reverse / also works to change the frequency of sound into frequency Yarg the data will be sent to the RF section. This process is called ADC (Analog to Digital Converter.) When this Audio IC jalumya damaged or broken. Then there will be no sound comes out, also track the RX / TX disrupted resulting in a loss of signal, can also result in Contact Service in Mobile. If the Speaker / Microphone after the measured result is good, but no sound came out, most likely it is because of this audio IC.
19. IC IF / RF SIGNAL PROCESSOR IC IC IF this is contained in the RF section function as a mixer is mixing a high-frequency signal with a signal issued by the VCO. Also next function is a high-frequency converter into a medium frequency / frequency data. And also can process frequencies from Crystal Oscillation to send keCPU